Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the Lansdowne Public library consists of seven members and one Borough Council liaison. The Library Board Meetings are regularly scheduled at 7:00 P.M. on the third Tuesday of each month, except July and August. The meetings are held at Lansdowne Borough Hall (12 E. Baltimore Avenue, Lansdowne, PA 19050). 

Marie Campuzano

Vice President
Kymberly Hernandez

Ellen Lustgarten

Jobi Zink 

Borough Council Liaison
William O Griffin III

Mark Lewis, PhD,
Kate Wagner
Regina Powell

Contact the Board Directly

Library Board Meetings

Library Board meetings (the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm) are hybrid, taking place in the library and via Zoom ( , password: 123)

Join the Board of Trustees

Are you passionate about libraries and the role the Lansdowne Library plays in the Lansdowne community?

The Lansdowne Public Library Board of Trustees is seeking applications from interested Lansdowne residents to serve on the Library Board. The Library Board is a seven member body responsible for determining policy, providing fiscal and physical oversight, and long range planning in order to provide the best possible library service to the Lansdowne community. The Board of Library Trustees of the Lansdowne Public Library meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m in the Bany Room at the Lansdowne Public Library (55 S. Lansdowne Avenue, Lansdowne, PA). In addition, there are occasionally other planning sessions, workshops and attendance at community meetings.

Honoring Andrea Kenyon

18 Years of Service on the Library Board!

On December 20th, 2023, Lansdowne Borough Council recognized Andrea Kenyon for her service of over 18 years on the Lansdowne Library Board. As Vice Chair of the Board, Andrea helped shape the library into one of the best libraries in the county and the state, winning many awards in the process. The Lansdowne Library and community will continue to benefit from her service, now as President of Friends of the Library.

The Library Board and the Library would like to thank Andrea for her hard work and dedication to serving the library and the community. We look forward to continuing to work with her in her new role as President of the Friends of the Library.

Remembering Betty Marlino

Former Library Board President

The Library Board wishes to send its deepest sympathy to the family of Betty Marlino. Betty passed away on October 15, 2019.  Betty was President of the Board of Directors of the Lansdowne Public Library for 32 years, spearheading a campaign to fund a new library, which was dedicated October 15, 1983. 

Betty Marlino was an integral part of the Lansdowne community. In particular she was a persistent, thoughtful volunteer and advocate for the Lansdowne Public Library. Her dedication and insight were a crucial part of the creation of the new library building in 1983.

Reflections on Betty by Neil Ronk, Current Library Board Member

I will always remember the afternoon Betty Marlino asked me to join the Board of Trustees of the Lansdowne Public Library. It was a January afternoon in the checkout line at the Borders bookstore in Springfield. A casual conversation of how much I loved the Library quickly became a conversation about how I could help the Library. Within two minutes Betty had me lined up to sit on the Board! I have had the honor of being on this Board since that conversation in 2002. Betty was like that.

It was with sadness that I heard of Betty’s passing last week. Communities like Lansdowne depend on a lot of individuals to volunteer their efforts to make a town more welcoming. Especially small towns like ours. She and her husband Joseph were always in the forefront helping to get things done. Betty served on a lot of different committees but the Lansdowne Library was her passion.

The Library that visitors see today is a tribute to her tenacity to always put the interests of the Library in the forefront of Borough Council and the community as a whole. She felt that the vigorous outreach of the Library would help Lansdowne transition to the needs of a twenty-first century community. She was a powerful advocate for this effort.

I think of the Lansdowne Public Library as the “Crown Jewel” of the borough. I am proud when I walk into the Library and see it serving so many different roles. The Staff is thoroughly professional and very friendly. A lot of this image is due to Betty’s work behind the scenes. We are a better Library because of Betty Marlino’s commitment.

She truly left our Library better than when she started her efforts. There can be no greater legacy.

Neil W. Ronk