Library Policies

The library implements inclusive policies to ensure fair access and uphold high standards of service for all patrons.

  • Seating is provided on a first come, first served basis with priority seating given to those who are using study or Library materials. Persons seated at tables, who are not using study or Library materials may be asked to give up their seats.
  • Patrons can use their library cards to log onto the computers. Those without cards will have to have a reservation number assigned to them at the circulation desk.
  • All patrons are required to agree to the Internet Policy before beginning their computer use.
  • Computers are provided on a first come, first served basis as well. Each patron is allowed 40 minutes on the computer at a time.
  • Should a waiting list for computer use become necessary, all patrons will be assigned to a computer and a starting time on a first come, first served basis. The patron must log on to the computer no later than five minutes after the starting time. If the patron does not log on within that time period, the reservation will automatically go to the next in line and the patron will need to make another reservation at the end of the queue.
  • Overdue fines for adult materials are $.25 per day per item. Children’s materials are $.10 per day per item. Video/DVD is $1.00 per day per item.
  • Anyone under the age of 18 MUST have a Library Card to use the Internet.
  • Any Delaware County resident may obtain a library card at no cost. The signature of a parent or guardian is required for all children under the age of 18.
  • Children under the age of 18 must have their library card with them in order to check out any materials, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • A Delaware County Library Card can be used in any library within the county.
  • All borrowed items belonging to a Delaware County library may be returned at any county library. All items borrowed using Inter-Library Loan must be returned to the library from which they were borrowed.
  • Most books and audio books may be borrowed for three weeks. Items can be renewed thrice if the item is not on hold for another patron.
  • Videos and DVDs may be borrowed for seven days only on an adult card at a cost of $2.00 per item. Patrons are limited to four Videos/DVD rentals at a time and these items may not be renewed.
  • Only three non-fiction books under the same call number can be checked out per patron at a time in order to ensure that enough materials are available for reports or other school related projects.
  • Replacement cards can be obtained for a $3.00 fee.
  • Ebooks and downloadable audiobooks may be checked out for three weeks.
The principal purpose of the Lansdowne Public Library is to provide open and convenient public access to all of the Library’s written, recorded and digital resources and to its educational and informational programs and services. The Library and its staff are committed to providing a safe, comfortable, orderly and pleasant environment in which to carry out this purpose. To ensure these standards, the Library requires its users to show proper respect for other users, for the Library staff, and for the Library’s materials, resources, and facilities. The Library staff is responsible for implementing this Code of Behavior.

In order to ensure the comfort and safety of Library users and staff and protection of Library property, the following are examples of conduct not allowed on Library premises. “Library premises” includes the building and the area surrounding it, such as the front, rear, sidewalks and parking lot.

The following are prohibited:

  • Harassing or threatening behavior towards patrons or staff. This includes but is not limited to verbal or physical harassment, stalking, staring or lurking.
  • Eating or drinking around the public computers.
  • Use of alcohol or illegal substances.
  • Smoking, chewing, vaping, and e-cigarette use on Library property.
  • Use of cell phones other than in designated areas.  Audible cell phone and pager ringers must be turned off.
  • Using audible devices without headphones or with headphones set at a volume that disturbs others.
  • Obscene and/or abusive language or gestures.
  • Entering into the Library barefoot or without a shirt, or removing one’s footwear or shirt while in the Library, or being otherwise attired, which is disruptive to the Library environment. This includes, but is not limited to wet bathing suits, athletic cleats, and wheeled footwear.
  • Disruptive behavior, such as creating loud noises, loud talking, screaming, running, throwing objects, or banging on computer keyboards.
  • Sexual acts including but not limited to flashing, petting, or offensive touching.
  • Animals or pets, other than service animals assisting persons with disabilities, animals used by law enforcement agencies, or animals used in Library programming. Animals may not be left unattended outside the Library.
  • Mutilating, damaging or defacing any Library materials including tampering with or changing configurations or software on Library computers or displacing, disabling or unplugging Library equipment.
  • Damaging or stealing property of a Library user or staff member.
  • Possession of a weapon (as defined by law) within the Library premises by anyone other than a law enforcement officer.
  • Moving Library furniture or equipment from where it is placed by Library staff.
  • Lying down or appearing to be sleeping in the Library; having feet on furniture; or blocking aisles, exits or entrances.
  • Littering.
  • Having offensive body odor or personal hygiene which interferes unreasonably with other patrons’ ability to use the Library and its facilities.
  • Leaving packages, backpacks, luggage, or any other personal items unattended. The unattended items are subject to immediate confiscation.The Library is not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged on Library premises.
  • Bringing in large bundles, parcels, bags, suitcases, carts or other wheeled conveyances. Wheelchairs, walkers, or other devices to assist mobility, are not prohibited.
  • Use of sports equipment inside the building. This includes but is not limited to skateboards, basketballs, footballs, hockey sticks and baseball bats.
  • Using bathrooms for bathing, shaving or shampooing, doing laundry, or changing clothes.
  • Photography or videotaping of the Library and its collections, exhibits, staff and users. Special permission may be obtained from the Library Director or designated representative.
  • Entering the Library or Library premises during a period of exclusion.
  • Leaving Children under the age of 10 unattended. Parents or guardians are advised that the Library is not responsible for children who are left unattended on Library premises. (see: The Lansdowne Public Library Unattended Children Policy.)
  • Any activity within the Library premises that violates federal, state, local or other applicable law, ordinance or regulation.
  • Failing to comply with a reasonable staff request to cease behavior that interferes with the effective functioning of the Library.
  • Inappropriate behavior as determined by the staff.

Enforcement of the Code of Behavior

  • Enforcement of these rules will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner.
  • In most cases of inappropriate behavior a verbal warning will be given by a member of the Library staff. If the behavior continues, the patron will be asked to leave the Library.
  • Anyone may, without prior notice or warning, be removed from the premises if his or her presence or conduct is threatening, willfully malicious or poses an immediate and imminent danger to any person or property.
  • Library staff may immediately contact the Lansdowne Borough Police and/or the parents of the offenders if anyone is asked to leave and refuses to do so.
  • Violators of these rules may be banned from the Library for a set period of time or permanently, and their Library privileges may be restricted or terminated. In addition, violation of these rules or failure to abide by such banning may lead to arrest and criminal prosecution.
  • Any person who is banned from the Library for a period in excess of one week will be notified of such in writing by the Director and has the right to appeal by requesting a hearing before the Disciplinary Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Library, provided such hearing is requested by written notice addressed to “Disciplinary Committee, Board of Trustees, Lansdowne Public Library, 55 S. Lansdowne Ave, Lansdowne, PA, 19050”, mailed no later than twenty business days after the date on which the notification of the banning was mailed to such person.

The Lansdowne Public Library maintains the Ida Dorothy & Herman Bany Room as a meeting room in the Library to fulfill the Library’s mission to provide access to information and provide a place for persons or organizations to share interests and ideas with the residents of Lansdowne and of Delaware County. The Bany Room is available for use by outside nonprofit organizations, community groups, individuals, and governmental agencies engaged in educational, cultural, and intellectual activities. Meetings are always subject to the availability of the space. Approval of Bany Room applications is at the discretion of the Library Director. Priority is given to Library-sponsored or co-sponsored events. Meetings may present a variety of viewpoints. The Library does not endorse the content of the material or the organization submitting the material.

The Library endorses the principles adopted by the American Library Association in the Library Bill of Rights regarding meeting room use which state, “Libraries that make exhibit space and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.”

The Lansdowne Public Library provides an opportunity for bringing together the resources of the Library and the activities of the community it serves.

  • Programs sponsored or co-sponsored by the Lansdowne Public Library will have priority over reservation requests from other groups.
  • Reservation of the Bany Room requires completion and approval of the Bany Room application form (click here). Applications must be received at least two weeks prior to the requested date of use. Applications will be reviewed in order of receipt. The Library reserves the right to refuse an applicant’s use of the Bany Room or any other space requested.
  • The Library’s meeting rooms are available for use ONLY during the Library’s normal hours of operation. Groups must be ready to leave fifteen minutes prior to at the Library’s closing time and are subject to Library staff oversight.
  • Events sponsored or co-sponsored by the Library are permitted after hours with Library Director and Board approval.
  • Events must not interfere with Library services or operations.
  • Organizations and groups using the Bany Room may not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, nationality, religious belief, sexual orientation, or handicap against any person requesting admission to the meeting.
  • The Library’s conduct policy applies to use of the Bany Room.
  • By order of the Fire Marshall, attendance at events/meetings is limited to 60 people.
  • Light refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages may be served. SMOKING AND THE USE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE PROHIBITED.
  • The Library will not store items used by meeting participants.
  • Meetings with children under the age of 18 in attendance MUST have adult supervision. A class must have an adult for every 8 children. Unattended children ages 8 and under are not allowed in the Library (refer to the Library’s Unattended Child Policy).
  • The group holding the meeting assumes responsibility for any damage to Library property. The Library assumes no responsibility for any equipment placed in meeting rooms or for bodily injury of meeting participants resulting during scheduled use of the Library’s facilities.
  • Library Director approval is required to use special equipment, such as TVs, tables, or extra chairs. The applicant must provide DVD player, computer or other technical equipment, including hook-up cables, unless program is co-sponsored by the library.
  • In the event of Library building emergency or weather-related emergency, the Library reserves the right to cancel the meeting.
  • Groups must notify the Library immediately when a meeting is canceled.

Group/Organization Responsibilities:

  • Setting up the room prior to the meeting.
  • Returning the room to its original order after the meeting.
  • Removing trash and replacing trash liners if trash receptacles provided are not adequate for group/organization’s usage.
  • Cleaning debris and spills caused by meeting participants.

The Lansdowne Public Library maintains a display case in the lobby to fulfill the Library’s mission to provide access to information and provide a place for persons or organizations to share interests and ideas with the residents of Lansdowne and of Delaware County. The display case is available for use by outside nonprofit organizations, community groups, individuals, and governmental agencies engaged in educational, cultural, and intellectual activities. All displays are offered to the Library on a voluntary, non-fee basis. Displays are always subject to the availability of the space. Priority is given to Library-sponsored displays. Displays may present a variety of viewpoints. In accepting material for display, the Library does not endorse the content of the material or the organization submitting the material.​

  • Requests to use the display case must be submitted to the library one month in advance of the requested date. The Display Case Application is available from the Library’s Business Manager. The Library Director will review all applications.

  • Users should plan to leave displays up for at least three weeks.

  • The Library further reserves the right to remove items from display that are a risk to public health, safety, or welfare.

  • The Library assumes no legal or financial responsibility for loss or damage to items loaned for display.

  • The display will include a clearly visible sign identifying the individual or group responsible for the display.

  • Users assume responsibility for setup and removal of the exhibit at the time and in the manner specified when they schedule the display.

  • Users assume responsibility for any damage to the Library property resulting from their use of the Library facilities. The Library may assess charges for damage.

 Exhibits may not:

  • Include books from our Library or other Libraries.

  • Promote any current or pending ballot measure or political candidate.

  • Advertise materials and/or services for sale. Displays developed by the Library and the Friends of the Lansdowne Public Library are exempt from this rule.

  • Display material of a discriminatory nature.

  • Display material which is obscene, defamatory, invades a particular person’s privacy, or incites violence.

  • Promote or represent any activity or purpose that is in violation of local, state, or federal ordinances or laws including copyright and public performance laws.

Lansdowne Public Library is dedicated to providing a welcoming environment that encourages children to visit the Library, use Library collections and services, and attend Library programs. Library staff are available to assist and support children with their use of Library resources. However, the Library is not responsible for children who are left unattended on Library premises. Unattended children are minors of any age who are not accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible caregiver in the Library.

The following applies to children in the Library:

  • Children under 10 years of age must be continuously supervised by parents, guardians and/or caregivers age 14 or older.

  • Parents, guardians and/or caregivers are solely responsible for the safety and behavior of their children. 

  • Children, like all Library users, are expected to comply with the Library’s Code of Behavior and a child who violates those rules may be asked to leave Library premises.

  • Parents, guardians, and/or caregivers must inform themselves as to scheduled Library closing times and be aware that the Library sometimes may have to close unexpectedly due to emergencies or safety issues. 

  • Parents should not leave children unattended outside the Library before opening or after closing.

  • It is the responsibility of the parents, guardians and/or caregivers to let their children know what they should do if they must leave the Library. The Library is not responsible if children leave Library premises unattended.

Library staff may call the Lansdowne Borough Police if a child under 10 years old is left unattended, or if any child otherwise appears to be at risk.

Library staff may call the Lansdowne Borough Police if a patron of any age, minor or adult; violate the Lansdowne Public Library Code of Behavior.

Social media is defined as any web application, site, or account created and maintained by Lansdowne Public Library that supports the Library’s social media purpose statement. Specific examples include but are not limited to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and any platform on which the Library hosts a blog.

The purpose of social media for Lansdowne Public Library is to share information about and promote Library programs, news, projects, and ongoing activities to all members of the Lansdowne community, consistent with the Library’s mission statement, and to provide a forum for Library staff and users to share opinions and information about Library­related subjects and issues.

Lansdowne Public Library welcomes the comments, posts, and messages of the community and recognizes and respects differences in opinion. However, all comments, posts, and messages are subject to review and Lansdowne Public Library reserves the right to remove any comment, post, or message that it deems inappropriate. Lansdowne Public Library is not responsible for or liable for any content posted by any participant in a Library social media forum who is not a member of the Library staff.

Content containing any of the following will be removed immediately from any Lansdowne Public Library social media channel:

  • Obscene comments or hate speech.

  • Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language.

  • Private or personal information, including phone numbers and addresses, or requests for personal information.

  • Potentially libelous statements.

  • Falsification of identity.

  • Plagiarized material.

  • Obscene images.

  • Comments, links, or information unrelated to the purpose of the forum.

  • Commercials or offers to buy/sell services or products.

  • Spam or other commercial or political messages.

In accordance with Pennsylvania law, all staff of the Lansdowne Public Library [hereinafter referred to as “library staff members”] are mandated reporters of child abuse. Each person is obligated by law to make a report of suspected child abuse. This policy affirms the obligation of library system staff to assist in identifying suspected child abuse and to establish procedures for reporting such in compliance with the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law. (Authority: Title 23 Pa. C.S.A. Chapter 63)

Child Abuse shall mean any of the following:

  • Any recent act or failure to act by a perpetrator which causes non­ accidental serious physical injuries to a child under 18 years of age.

  • Any act or failure to act by a perpetrator which causes non­accidental serious mental injury to or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a child under 18 years of age.

  • Any recent act, failure to act, or series of such acts or failures to act by a perpetrator which creates an imminent risk of serious physical injury to or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a child under 18 years of age.

  • Serious physical neglect by a perpetrator constituting prolonged or repeated lack of supervision or the failure to provide the essentials of life, including adequate medical care, which endangers a child’s life or development or impairs the child’s functioning.

No child shall be deemed to be physically or mentally abused based on injuries that result solely from environmental factors that are beyond the control of the parent or person responsible for the child’s welfare, such as inadequate housing, furnishings, income, clothing, and medical care.

Guidelines to Report Regarding Child Abuse by Perpetrator:

  • All library staff members who in the course of their employment, occupation or practice of their profession come into contact with children shall report or cause a report to be made when they have reasonable cause to suspect, or on the basis of their medical, professional or other training and experience, that a child they are aware of in their professional or official capacity is an abused child.

  • Privileged communication between any professional person required to report and the patient or client of that person shall not apply to situations involving child abuse and shall not constitute grounds for failure to report.

  • Library card registration information may be used by the Library Director as long as any information about materials borrowed by the individual is not disclosed.

  • In all cases, if physical danger is imminent, library staff members shall call Emergency Officials first for assistance.

  • Any person required to report suspected child abuse who, in good faith, reports or causes the report to be made shall have immunity from civil and criminal liability related to those actions.

  • A person or official required to report a case of suspected child abuse who willfully fails to do so commits a misdemeanor of the third degree for the first violation and a misdemeanor of the second degree for a second or subsequent violation

Mandated Reporting Procedures: 

  • Library staff members who suspect child abuse shall immediately notify the Person-­in-­Charge of the library. Upon notification, the Person-­in­Charge of the library shall assume the responsibility and have the legal obligation to report the suspected child abuse. The Person-­in­-Charge of the library or the Library Director may not make an independent determination of whether to report.

  • Oral reports of suspected child abuse shall immediately be made by telephone by the Person­-in-­Charge of the library to ChildLine at 1­800-­932­0313. Oral reports may also be made to the county children and youth agency in the county where the suspected child abuse occurred. (Delaware County: 610-­891-­5258)

  • The Person-­in­-Charge of the library shall notify the employee when the report was made to ChildLine or the county children and youth agency and shall also notify the Library Director.

  • Within 48 hours or reporting to ChildLine, the employee or Person-in-­Charge of the library shall make a written report on forms provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (Report of Suspected Child Abuse [CY­47]) to the county children and youth agency in the county where the suspected child abuse occurred and to the Director of the Library.


  • All library staff members shall cooperate with the Department of Public Welfare or county children and youth agency investigating a report of suspected child abuse, including permitting authorized personnel to interview the child while in attendance.

  • Library staff members required to report cases of suspected child abuse may take or cause to be taken photographs of the child who is the subject of a report.

  • Information regarding a mandated report by a Lansdowne Borough Library staff member is confidential except in certain instances specified by law. All communication and records of such reports will be treated as confidential.

Commencing on January 1, 2015 and annually thereafter, the Library shall submit a request for Child Abuse Clearance for all library staff members and volunteers, and any person who is not cleared shall not be permitted to work at or volunteer for the library.

This policy is subject to change at any time without notice. Updates to the policy may be obtained from the Library Director.

UPDATED: April 2018
APPROVED: April 16, 2018​

The Lansdowne Public Library strives to create a welcoming, clean, and comfortable environment for all to enjoy.  Consistent with this goal, food is no longer permitted to be consumed in the library, except for programs in which food is served, provided, or otherwise authorized by the Library.  Consumption of food and drink poses a potential risk to library collections, equipment, and furnishings.  Although beverages are permitted, to protect our resources and facilities from damage, we ask that you act responsibly when consuming drinks in any area of the Library.

  • Beverages are allowed if they are in a spill-proof cup, container with a secure lid, or plastic bottle with a screw top. Glass or open containers are not allowed.
  • No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the Library.
  • Consumption of food is limited to Children’s Services and Bany Room events in which food is served, provided or otherwise encouraged or authorized by the Library.​
  • If a patron complains about your food or beverage, it will be removed.
  • Food and drinks are strictly prohibited while using library computers, laptops, tablets, copiers, printers, or other library electrical equipment.
  • Unattended food and drink openly displayed in public areas will be confiscated and discarded. 

Library users must:

  • Discard food and drink refuse in trash containers.
  • Leave all areas clean for use by others.
  • Users violating this policy will be asked to remove their food and drink from the Library.
  • Refusal to cooperate with this policy will result in patrons being forced to leave the library for a finite amount of time.

REV: July 2022 (prev 2017)

The Lansdowne Public Library Volunteer Policy is as follows: 

The Lansdowne Library greatly appreciates the contributions of their wonderful volunteers. In order to have the most valuable volunteer experience for both the volunteer and the library, the following steps need to be taken in order to become a volunteer.

  • First, an individual must submit the Volunteer Application

  • Next, the applicant will be interviewed by library staff to determine the applicant’s interests and more fully describe volunteer opportunities.

  • The Library is free and open to the public, which often means children (those under the age of 18) are present. Since volunteers may have any possible contact with children, Library policy requires that they complete the PA Department of Human Services requirements.  The following describes the procedure to be followed in order to attain child clearances from the state.​

Volunteers aged 18 and older are considered adults and require the following clearances. These clearances are obtained by the volunteer at their expense and must be given to the Library Director prior to beginning service.

The Library will reimburse these costs for those who are accepted as volunteers.

  • Youth volunteers aged 17 or under (“VolunTeens”) do not need any clearances to volunteer at the library. However, they will be interviewed by the Library Director and Head of Children’s Services and must supply the Library Director with no less than one (1) adult reference who recommend the individual for service.

  • VolunTeens will be scheduled and supervised directly by the Head of Children’s Services. Adult volunteers are directly supervised by the Head of Circulation.

    CREATED: February 2018
    APPROVED: March 19, 2018

    The Lansdowne Public Library collects materials, in a variety of popular formats, which support its function as a major information source for the needs of a diversified suburban community. The collection also serves the entertainment and recreational needs of the public, and reflects the racial, ethnic and cultural diversity of the greater Lansdowne area. The Lansdowne Public Library provides ideas, information and resources to advance knowledge, promote literacy and foster lifelong learning. To this end, its Collection Development Policy supports the direction, goals, philosophy and objectives of the Library as a whole.

    Inherent in the Collection Development Policy is an appreciation for each patron. The Library provides materials to support everyone’s journey and does not place a value on one customer’s needs or preferences over another’s. The Library upholds the right of the individual to access information, even if the content may be controversial, unorthodox or unacceptable to others.


    The library selects materials in a variety of formats that best serve the needs of the community. Selections are made by library staff to provide a broad and relevant collection, while being good stewards of the community’s tax dollars. Material selection is based on awareness of community interests and concerns, national and international issues and events, publishing and societal trends, new insights, and the professional judgment of selectors regarding the material’s value to the Library’s collection. It is the Library’s intention that the collection addresses the needs and interests of its community and reflects the diversity of the entire local area.  


    The Lansdowne Public Library selects materials for all ages and relies on professional review sources. Material is not excluded because of the race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political or social views of the author. Inclusion of materials does not imply agreement with or endorsement of content. Criteria for selecting material include, but are not limited to the following guidelines:

    A. Print Collection

    • Patron interest and demand

    • Historical significance of author or subject

    • Timeliness of material

    • Local emphasis

    • Diversity of viewpoint

    • Budgetary considerations

    • Authority and accuracy

    • Literary merit

    • Cultural influence

    Lansdowne Public Library welcomes suggestions from the community for possible purchases of print materials. All suggestions are given serious consideration. Titles are considered by the same criteria as all other materials purchased for the Library.

    B. DVD and Video Game Collection

    The Lansdowne Public Library maintains a broad selection of entertainment, informational and instructional DVDs as well as games for various gaming consoles. The emphasis is on popular materials and is balanced with classic, foreign, independent films and documentaries.
    The following criteria are considered when evaluating DVDs and video games for purchase.

    • Budgetary constraints

    • Age of production and timeliness

    • Awards and critical acclaim

    • Broad community appeal and popularity

    • Cultural influence

    Film and television series are collected based on feasibility of the cost of the entire series, broad community appeal and currency. Due to budgetary constraints, it is not feasible to replace individual seasons of titles. Titles suggested by patrons are evaluated based on the above selection criteria.

    C. Digital Resources

    Digital resources, including e-books, audiobooks, and databases are subject to the same criteria as other materials.


    The Lansdowne Public Library adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom, adopted by the American Library Association, as expressed in the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read and Freedom to View Statements. While anyone is free to select or reject materials for themselves or their own children, the freedom of others to read or inquire will not be restricted.

     Materials for children and teenagers are intended to broaden their vision, support leisure reading, encourage empathy, strengthen reading skills, supplement their educational needs, stimulate and widen their interests, lead to recognition and appreciation of literature and reflect the diversity of the local community and general population. The reading and viewing activity of children is ultimately the responsibility of parents, who guide and oversee their own children’s development. The Lansdowne Public Library does not intrude on that relationship.

    The responsibility for the selection of library materials rests ultimately with the Library Director. Under the Director’s guidance, the staff has responsibility for the selection of materials. All staff members and the public are encouraged to recommend materials for consideration. The collection shall be an unbiased and diverse source of information, representing as many viewpoints as possible.


    Deselection, or weeding, of materials from the circulating collections is a vital part of successful library collection maintenance. Continuous evaluation is necessary, and materials are regularly removed to maintain a current, accurate and appealing collection, conserve space, and facilitate ease of use. An item may be deselected for several reasons, including:

    • Out-of-date information

    • Wear or damage

    • Item no longer responds to current needs or interests or has not recently seen sufficient circulation

    • Materials in the format are no longer collected

    Deselected items may be given to the Friends of the Library to sell or be recycled at the discretion of the Library.


    Individual items, which in and of themselves may be controversial or offensive to some patrons or staff, may be selected if their inclusion will contribute to the range of viewpoints in the collection and the effectiveness of the Library’s ability to serve its community.


    Persons raising an objection to a book or other material in the Library collection will be offered the Request for Reconsideration of Materials form and asked to provide a written explanation of their objections, citing specifics from the material in question. Library staff will respond to the request in accordance with the Reconsideration of Materials Procedure. The following actions will be taken:

    1. A copy of the form and the material in question will be sent to the Head of Circulation and Cataloging.
    2. A form letter shall be sent to the patron acknowledging receipt of the Request for Reconsideration within five business days of receipt by the Head of Circulation and Cataloging.
    3. A minimum of four Library staff, including the Library Director, will convene and consider the request, evaluating the material based on content, circulation, awards and reviews, and decide about the work.
    4. The Head of Circulation and Cataloging will write a response letter to the patron and submit it to the Library Director for review.
    5. A letter of determination in response to the Request for Reconsideration shall be provided to the patron within 30 days of submission, during which time the material in question shall remain in the active collection.
    6. A copy of all Requests for Reconsideration, and associated correspondence shall be retained.

    Should the person raising the objection disagree with the Library’s decision, he or she may appeal to the Library Board in writing and may present their case at Board meeting. After the appeal is made, the decision made by the Board will be considered final.

    CREATED: February 2018
    APPROVED: March 19, 2018

    The Lansdowne Public Library will circulate video games for several popular consoles including Wii, XBOX 360, Nintendo Switch, and Playstation 4. The Library reserves the right to include games rated E, T and M in the collection as per the Collection Development Policy. These games are made available to all adult library card holders in good standing based on the criteria outlined below:

    • The video game loan period is 7 days.

    • There is a $1 per day late fee for all video games not returned on time.

    • Loans may only be made with Adult library cards.

    • There is a limit of 2 video games to be loaned per card.

    • Video games must be retuned in the proper case and free of dirt or scratches.

    • If a video game won’t function for whatever reason, the patron is to alert the staff upon return.

    • In certain cases, a voucher for a free video game rental will be given for defective discs.

    • There is no refund for circulated video games.

    • The DVD sale of Two for Tuesday does not apply to video games.

    • Lost or broken video games must be paid for by the patron at the value set by the library staff.

    CREATED: May 2018
    APPROVED: June 18, 2018

    The Lansdowne Public Library strives to be a hub of the community, offering programs and services to meet the needs of our community year-round. Therefore, the library maintains daily hours of operation, scheduled to allow convenient day, evening, and weekend access for our patrons. In the event the library must close in observance of a holiday, staff training, or in the event of a weather emergency, the public will be notified as early as possible. 

    The Lansdowne Public Library recognizes, on occasion, inclement weather and other unusual conditions may prevent the library from opening, postpone opening, or require early closing. On most occasions, the decision to close will follow that of the local school district. However, maximum effort will be made to maintain regular library operating hours. 
    The Lansdowne Public Library Closing Policy is as follows: 

    • The Library observes twelve (12) holidays per calendar year in which the Library is closed for the day.

    • The Library reserves the right to close the building to the public an additional two (2) days per year, as approved by the State, for staff training and in-service purposes.

    • If conditions arise requiring a closing of the library due to inclement weather, the Library Director will decide to close the library building to the public.

    • Situations which may result in closing the library may include, but are not limited to the following:

    1. inclement weather
    2. power outage
    3. failure of the building heating or cooling system
    4. flooding
    5. unsafe or unhealthy conditions
    • All library loan periods will be extended to the following day when the library is open when this occurs. 

    Once a decision has been made to close the library, the Library Director will notify the Borough, Library Board and staff. Closing information will be posted on the library website, social media and on our phone message and on the front door of the library as soon as possible.

    We welcome donations of books and media in good condition for our book sale, according to the guidelines listed below.  
    IF DONATING MORE THAN ONE BAG OF BOOKS- Please call THE LIBRARY (610-623-0239) to make an appointment.            

     We are happy to accept: 

    Gently used hardback and paperback fiction and non-fiction books for adults and children, in very good or better condition (of a quality that you would buy or give to a friend)
    Classics in excellent condition, regardless of year printed
    Vintage, coffee table, and collectible books
    Audio books on CD, DVDs/Blu-Rays, and video games for recent systems, in excellent working order  

     We are unable to accept: 

    Books with mold, bugs, odors, writing/coloring
    Books with smoke, water, or other damage
    Travel guides or business books over three years old
    Medical or scientific works
    Magazines (including National Geographic), textbooks, manuals, encyclopedias, dictionaries, Readers Digest Condensed Books, or notebooks of a personal nature Partially used activity books
    Books missing covers
    VHS or audio tapes, CDs, computer software
    Any item in poor condition 

    We appreciate your donations to the Lansdowne Library book sale! All proceeds from the sale benefit the library.  


    Read the full policy at EIN Policy | Delaware County Library System (


    1. As specified by the County of Delaware and in the CIPA, the technology protection measure (filter) is intended to block access to adult materials and to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornographic or harmful to minors*. If you feel a web site was blocked or permitted incorrectly, please notify the library staff with the complete URL (web address) of the site. 
    2. Although the technology protection measure (filter) is in place, it is not infallible and parents/legal guardians should continue to guide their child’s use of the Internet. Parents/legal guardians should be aware that the Internet includes online sites that contain or make reference to explicit sexual materials as defined in 18Pa.C.S. 5903 (relating to obscene and other sexual materials and performances.) Parents/legal guardians are expected to supervise their children’s Internet sessions. Legal documents are available on the web site of Commonwealth Libraries: (corrected 6/3/2014) 
    3. The appropriateness of materials viewed by minors that is not covered by the technology protection measure (filter) should be determined by the parents/legal guardians.