Support the Lansdowne
Public Library

Make a Direct Impact with Your Donations

The Lansdowne Public Library is committed to maintaining the services that our patrons expect. We continue to be one of the busiest libraries in Delaware County, to be open 7 days a week, and to provide a full range of programs for children, teens, and adults.

Library usage continues to increase year after year across all levels—a trend that we hope continues! Increased usage means higher costs, though, and unfortunately, our state aid funds were cut several years ago and have remained flat ever since. With fewer funds available, we are limited in our ability to purchase books, audiobooks, DVDs, and reference materials, or fund programs, supplies, and other library operations.

The Board of Trustees and Library staff thank you for your support.

Please note, donations directly to the library are not tax-deductible.

Multiple Ways to Give …

1. Donate any amount via PayPal

2. Gift us something from our Amazon Wishlist

3. Become a Friend of the Library – join for only $20

4. Consider a charitable bequest


Donations can be sent to:

Friends of the Lansdowne Public Library
P.O. Box 7
Lansdowne, PA 19050

 You can also drop off your check, made out to Friends of the Lansdowne Public Library, at the Library building.

The Friends are a 501(c)(3) organization; donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by the IRS.

Thank You!

Your generous gift allows us to maintain the standard of excellence we are proud to provide to the community. Our needs are constantly increasing while our resources are constantly decreasing. We hope we can count on you to help us continue to serve the nearly 100,000 visitors we see every year.

Your gift is so greatly appreciated!