Programs for Children
The library offers tailored programs and free resources for children, encouraging a love for learning.

Children’s Events and Resources
Upcoming Events
Explore our calendar to discover the exciting events, programs, and activities tailored for children. Join us and immerse yourself in the joy of shared experiences!
Grandkits & Kid Kits
Explore our GrandKits and Kid Kits packed with entertaining books and engaging activities centered around exciting themes such as dinosaurs, art, and music!
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
A FREE program designed for families with preschool-aged children who have not yet entered kindergarten. Studies indicate that reading to children at home enhances their readiness for reading skills.
A Baker’s Dozen: The Best Children’s Books for Family Literacy
The Pennsylvania Center for the Book’s A Baker’s Dozen is an annual initiative to review over 2,000 picture books, aiming to select the top thirteen books that promote family literacy and cater to children aged three to six.
Storytime Etiquette
Library story time offers children a chance to connect with books, storytelling, and their community. To maximize enjoyment for all, it’s essential for families to understand the etiquette expected during story time sessions.
E-Resources for Children
Explore the the list of complimentary e-resources available to children via the Delaware County Digital Library.